Ellen Fraser
WWW.FCGC.CAAmanda Pushka
WWW.CEMF.CAAmanda Pushka is a fourth year undergraduate
student in civil engineering at theUniversity of Man-
itoba. In2011, Amanda tookpart inaMission’sTrip to
Tactic, Guatemalawhere she assisted inconstruction
tasks. In 2011, Amanda received the Governor Gen-
eral’s Award for the highest overall average in her
high school graduating class, and has since received
many more scholarships and awards. She is a mem-
ber of the Students for Sustainability Student Group
at theUniversityofManitoba, and theAmericanCon-
crete Institute Student Chapter at the University. As
part of her work with Students for Sustainability, she
assisted in designing and testing an innovative roof
connection detail for a school building in Gracias,
Honduras. During her student employment at Man-
itobaHydro, sheassisted in thedesign, planning, and
implementation of a variety of civil projects. She’s an
active member of her community, coaching young
hockey players, and volunteering at the SiloamMis-
sion inWinnipeg. Amanda is amember of theMani-
toba Women’s Junior Hockey League and plays the
piano, guitar, ukulele and saxophone.
Amanda Pushka est étudiante de quatrième
année au baccalauréat en génie civil à l'Université du
Manitoba. En2011, Amandaparticipe àMission'sTrip
to Tactic au Guatemala, voyage pendant lequel elle a
participé à certaines tâches de construction. Aussi en
2011, elle reçoit le Prix duGouverneur général pour la
àl'écolesecondaire. Depuis,elleareçudenombreuses
autres bourses et de nombreux prix. Amanda est
sité. DanslecadredesontravailavecStudentsforSus-
tainability, elle participe à la conception et à la
pour une école àGracias auHonduras. Un travail étu-
diant à Manitoba Hydro lui permet de participer à la
conception, la planification et la mise en place d'une
variété de projets civils. Amanda est très impliquée
sion àWinnipeg. Elle est aussi membre du Manitoba
tare, le ukulele et le saxophone.
Dillon Consulting Ltd. Undergraduate
Scholarship in Engineering
Bourse de premier cycle de Dillon Consulting Ltd. en génie
Ellen Fraser is a fourth year student at Dal-
housie University in the chemical engineering co-
op program. She is a member of the university
Techsploration Project, visiting high schools to
speak to grade nine girls about what it is like to be
an engineering student. She is on the Techsplo-
ration advisory committee and is the VP Commu-
nications for Dal’s Women in Engineering Society,
responsible for the annual Go Eng Girl event. As a
volunteer with EngineersWithout Borders, she has
taught high school students about global affairs,
poverty and water and energy resources. Ellen is
active in ringette as a coach and a Director of
Ringette Nova Scotia. She was a member of the
Canada Winter Games Ringette Team from the
province and is president and a captain on the uni-
versity team. She has been the recipient of numer-
ous ringette awards. Ellen’s co-op experience
includes work at Suncor Energy, Cenovus Energy
and ExxonMobile Canada.
EllenFraser enest à saquatrièmeannéed'études
au programme de stages en génie chimique à Dal-
housie University où elle est membre du projetTech-
sploration qui l'emmène à visiter des écoles
en génie aux élèves de la neuvième année. Ellen est
sponsabilités, la planification de l'événement Go Eng
Girl. À titre de bénévole pour Ingénieurs sans fron-
vreté et des ressources eneauet enénergie. Ellenest
entraîneuse de ringuette et une administratrice de
Ringette Nova Scotia. Elle a été membre de l'équipe
de ringuette aux jeux canadiens d'hiver de la Nou-
velle-Écosse et est actuellement présidente et capi-
taine de l'équipe universitaire. On lui a aussi remis de
nombreux prix de ringuette. Ellen a participé à
plusieurs stages incluant à Suncor Energy, Cenovus
Energy et ExxonMobile Canada.
CEMF Undergraduate Engineering
Scholarship – Atlantic Region
Bourse FCGC de premier cycle en génie —
région de lʼAtlantique